World Bank Receives Complaint on Wolfowitz Aides

By Andrew Balls in Washington
Published: January 31 2006 06:18 Last updated: January 31 2006 06:18
The World Bank’s internal investigations unit has received an anonymous complaint that the bank’s rules and procedures were stretched in the appointment of close advisers to Paul Wolfowitz, the bank’s president.
In the latest example of simmering tensions between Mr Wolfowitz and some members of the bank’s staff, a complaint to the bank’s whistleblower hotline this month raised questions about what it alleged were excessive pay and open-ended contracts for Robin Cleveland and Kevin Kellems, previously colleagues of Mr Wolfowitz in the administration of George W. Bush, who came to the bank with him.
The complaint also questioned the terms on which Karl Jackson was retained as a consultant. Mr Jackson worked with Mr Wolfowitz in the administration of George H. W. Bush, and is a professor at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, where Mr Wolfowitz used to be dean.
The e-mail complaint was sent to the Department of Institutional Integrity’s whistleblower hotline, which encourages bank staff to come forward anonymously using procedures designed to safeguard their identity. It was copied to the bank’s 24 executive directors, who represent its 184 member countries on the board.
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