Sri Lanka: On the Edge

Sunday, Feb. 12, 2006
If last-ditch negotiations to save a faltering cease-fire fail next week, Sri Lanka's 23-year-old civil war could resume in full force
As she squats alone on the floor of her one-room hut, untwisting and retying a torn fishing net, it becomes clear that Rosa Nobert, 43, shares her days with the dead. The walls are hung with faded photographs: her husband, shot and burned in his fishing boat by the Sri Lankan navy; her two nephews, Tamil Tiger guerrillas killed in battle; and 17 relatives, including 13-year-old daughter May Linda, washed away by the tsunami. As Sri Lanka once more flirts with civil war, Rosa expects she will soon be adding one more picture to her gallery of ghosts: her 23-year-old son, Anthony. He joined the Tigers five years ago and she hasn't seen him since. "I remember golden days here when I was a girl," she says. "Playing on the beach, swimming, running through the trees with my friends. I learned to stitch and sew under those palms. I thought I'd be happy with whatever life gave me. I was wrong."
For two decades, Sri Lanka lived with war, as the Tigers fought for a Tamil homeland

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