Nepal's King Seeks To End Protests

April 21, 2006
Nepal's King Gyanendra has called on opposition parties to put forward their candidate for prime minister, after days of protest against him.
In a televised address, he said he would return power to the people, but gave no date for elections to be held.
Opposition parties said they would meet to discuss the offer before responding.
King Gyanendra sacked the government and assumed direct powers in 2005, ostensibly to quell a long-running insurgency by Maoist rebels.
His apparent climb-down came on the 16th day of protests against his direct rule.
Looking tense during his address on Friday, the beleaguered monarch said the government would revert to being in accordance with the constitution of 1990.
That was drawn up when the monarchy became constitutional and political parties were legalised, but was partially suspended when the king took direct power last year.
"We are committed to multi-party democracy and a constitutional monarchy," King Gyanendra said.
"Executive power of the kingdom of Nepal, which was in our safekeeping, shall from this day be returned to the people.
"We hope peace and order is restored to the country by protecting multi-party democracy."

He called on the seven-party opposition alliance to recommend a name for the post of prime minister as soon as possible
Until a new prime minister was appointed, the present government would continue to run the country, he said.
Former Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, a leader of the opposition alliance, said they would meet to discuss the king's announcement before he would respond.
The king's move meets a major demand set by his opponents but the question is whether the people accept the concession, says the BBC's Nick Bryant in Kathmandu.
The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder, also in the capital, said the king's announcement had initially been welcomed with cheering among the crowds - but people remained defiant.
Many are saying the king's concessions come too little, too late, our correspondent adds.
"This is a victory of the people, that the king has had to come down from his position," said protester Indra Bahadur.
"But we will not stop at this. The protests must continue, they will continue. We will not stop till Gyanendra is removed, completely."
Protesters killed
Tens of thousands of people were back on the streets in Nepal's capital for a second day of mass protests on Friday, despite a shoot-on-sight curfew.
The renewed curfew began at 0900 (0315 GMT). It was due to be lifted at 2000 (1415 GMT), but has been extended for a further four hours.
The demonstrations turned violent on Thursday in one area of Kathmandu, where police killed three people.
Mass demonstrations against King Gyanendra's absolute rule or against the monarchy itself have been going on for more than two weeks.
Eyewitnesses said the police had opened fire indiscriminately during Thursday's protests and that in addition to those who died, many had been seriously injured.
Another person died on Friday in the town Gulariya, some 500km (300 miles) south-west of Kathmandu, after being injured in protests a day earlier, reports say.
At least 14 demonstrators have now died around the country in the last two weeks.
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